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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Possible Profile

For an upcoming article in Main Street Magazine, I am writing a profile piece about a UNH student named Max Auger who is the only male dance major on the UNH campus.  I think that this would be an interesting article to read because of the uncommon nature of his position as a male dancer.  The article will discuss Auger's path toward choosing dance as a major, as well as the way in which he has dealt with the social implications of being a man in a major that is predominately female.

What is also interesting about Auger's story is that he never even started in ballet until his Freshman year in college.  According to the girls he dances with, and his instructor, he has improved immensely since he first started, though he claims he still has a long way to go.  

I believe that this could be a very interesting and readable profile piece, given Auger's unique position. 

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