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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

New York TImes Reading Log - 11

I was interested in the front page article in today's New York Times about Mitt Romney winning 3 more states, with victories in Washington DC, Maryland, and Wisconsin.  It is certainly starting to look like it's curtains for Rick Santorum.  Romney seems to have taken a firm grip on the Republican primary now, (as if he hadn't already) and it looks as though Santorum's comeback bid has been all but quashed.

Romney seems pretty sure of this.  He's turned his attention toward Obama, blaming him for the economic strife of the past few years in a recent speech that he was to deliver.  Suddenly Santorum doesn't seem like such an important opponent.

I also found the article about China's pay-for-coverage system to be a very interesting read.  I had no idea that China's press was like this.  I had an inkling about the way in which they censor journalism, but I had never realized the extent to which their journalistic standards were corrupted.  

Additionally, I enjoyed the article about Kentucky University's starting 5 Basketball players, who are all expected to enter the NBA draft after winning a NCAA Title, after only a year (or in some cases 2) of college.  This just goes to show that the NBA's rule in place that requires players to attend college for a year before entering the league is counterintuitive and ridiculous.  What is the point?  So that players can slack off for a year before joining the NBA?  Yeah, that definitely makes them more well rounded.

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