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Thursday, April 5, 2012

New York Times Reading Log - 12

The picture on the front page of today's Times is one of the most interesting and intense I have seen in a while.  The picture, which shows wounded American soldiers lying in the streets of Maimana following a fatal Afghan bombing, really demonstrates the violence and intensity of military action in the Middle East.  It is quite a shift from the usual front page cover, which is usually less intense.  I was immediately drawn to this picture when I picked up the paper.

I was interested in the article about the genetic mutations that have been proven to have a link in Autism.  What was particularly disturbing about this article, was the fact it stated, that 1 in 88 people are diagnosed with aspergers disease, or similar autism related social disorders.

I wouldn't say that I expected Deadmau5 to be on the front page of the New York Times.  As a huge music fan, I liked seeing the article below the fold on the front page about the enormous surge that electronic music has made in recent years.  I thought it was especially interesting that Wall Street is seeing the growing musical genre as a lucrative opportunity.        

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