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Thursday, April 26, 2012

New York Times Reading Log - 17 (Wednesday's Paper)

It was cool to see a photo taken in my hometown of Manchester, NH on the front page of the New York Times.  It somehow feels satisfying to get Manchester some glimpse of recognition.  Also interesting was the story that related to the photo, also written out of Manchester, about Mitt Romney winning another 5 states (albeit largely uncontested with the absence of Santorum) and inching closer to formally securing the Republican nomination.  

This article also has the interesting distinction of having the single longest paragraph I have ever seen in a New York Times article.   One paragraph was 6 sentences (in some cases, lengthy sentences.)  It is interesting to note stuff like this in journalism.  Before I took this class I probably would never have noticed a long paragraph, or any structural oddities like that.  Now it sticks out like a sore thumb.  I almost wonder if it could have been a typo or something.

I also would like to point out that I have never really noticed the Times alleged Leftist/Liberal bias.  The are supposed to be such a liberal publication, but I just don't necessarily see it.  That's not to say I think they are conservative, as much as it is to say that I just don't see a slant in many articles.  Sure the Op/Eds are liberal, but I don't see it as affecting the news reporting.

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