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Thursday, April 12, 2012

New York Times Reading Log - 14 (Thursday's Paper)

The front page in today's New York Times had a story about George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch coordinator in Florida who shot and killed Trayvon Martin, being charged with second-degree murder by a special prosecutor.  It is gratifying to see this case coming to some kind of a resolution.  It was nice to see the family of Martin on the front page, having received justice for the loss of their son.  This shooting was a true tragedy, and it is nice to see a resolution.  Additionally, this is a prime example of the power of Twitter, and online media, and the medium's role in news reporting, and social justice causes.  Martin's case received a great deal of attention on Twitter.  The power of the hashtag, and the rapid spreadability of news on Twitter is totally redefining news media.  Martin's case is an example of this great shift.

Additionally, the story about North Korea being poised to launch a long range missile, despite worldwide resistance from other nations continues to concern.  North Korea continues to pose a grave threat on a world scale.   If they continue to be as unresponsive to diplomacy from other world leaders as they have been, and with Kim Jong-un set to take over the helm after his father, that should be the case, this could become a real issue. 

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