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Thursday, April 26, 2012

New York Times Reading Log - 18 (Thursday's Paper)

Very very interesting article on the front page of today's times about the wiretapping going on between leaders in a China that is devoid of any interpersonal trust.  And that story had a big a big headline.  I love it when they break out the big headlines!  God, I'm so superficial.... Anyways, the article was definitely an interesting read.  It is crazy the level of paranoia and distrust going on in China.

In political news, Newt Gingrich is finally out of the running in the Republican primary!  Oh wait...that isn't news at all...he never had a shot did he?  Well, it is technically news that his campaign officially ended yesterday. It is hard to believe that Gingrich stayed in this race even longer that Rick Santorum, who seemed to have the least long shot of any of the long-shots in the Republican race.  This leaves just Ron Paul to vie for the Republican nomination against Romney, which means essentially only Romney is left.

Looks like Romney vs. Obama.  This should be interesting.  My prediction:  Obama wins 56% of the popular vote, taking office for a much more productive second term. I just don't see Obama going out as a one-termer.  That somehow just seems flat wrong.

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