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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New York Times Reading Log - 4

I was excited to see New Hampshire spotlighted in the A section of today's New York Times, although I wasn't so ecstatic about the subject matter.  A brief article surrounding a movement to repeal the legalization of gay marriage in New Hampshire by Abby Goodnough was featured in the National  news section on page A11 today.  Evidently, the movement for the law's repeal is starting to pick up some steam.  If legal same sex marriage was repealed, that would make New Hampshire the first state to repeal such a law according to the article.

With the coming end of Democrat John Lynch's lengthy gubernatorial run in New Hampshire, and Republicans apparently poised to take over his vacated spot, this repeal could very easily become a reality.  As a concerned New Hampshire resident, and a liberal in social matters, it is my sincerest hope that no such repeal should take place.  By becoming one of the first states to legalize gay and lesbian marriage, New Hampshire helped to get the ball rolling in the US with an issue that has been so controversial for so long.  Only time will tell what will come of this movement to repeal the law, but in a nation that is more and more speedily moving toward universal marriage equality, I would hate to see New Hampshire, the state perhaps most often associated with individual rights and liberties, be the first to back-pedal.    


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