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Monday, February 20, 2012

Jellyfish Attack!

Summary Lead
Five children were hospitalized Wednesday to be treated for stings from what rescue officials believe may have been a lion’s mane jellyfish.  The jellyfish reportedly stung more than 100 people at Wallis Sands State Beach, in Rye NH.

Delayed Lead
Ah, the sounds of the beach: Seagulls cawing, waves crashing, and the anguished cries of children in pain. Wait a minute; something seems out of place here.  For visitors of Wallis Sands State Beach, however, this odd scene became a reality on Wednesday.  

Crowds of children hysterically rushed out of the water and back to the shore, complaining to their parents of stings on their legs.  Meanwhile, armed with a pitchfork, lifeguards struggled to remove the monstrous creature that had stung over 100 beach-goers from the water.

“The thing was probably 50 pounds,” said Ken Loughlin, manager of Wallis Sands, “I’ve never seen such a thing.”

The creature responsible for all the chaos was a jellyfish, a creature that is probably foreign to many New Englanders.    

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