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Friday, May 4, 2012

New York Times Reading Log - 20 (Thursday's Paper)

Well, this is almost an emotional moment.  This is my last New York Times Reading Log of the year (I think) and the Times celebrated in style, putting out one of the thickest, most news dense issues I have seen in my brief tenure as a New york Times reader.  With a massive 30-page A-section, this is by far the biggest issue of the Times I have ever seen.  Holding the whole paper is a workout.  It has to weigh a pound.

A couple stories caught my eye in this one.  The most interesting, I thought, was the article (written by not one, not two but three writers.  Plus two more contributors. So basically 5 writers, which I thought was cool.) about the exit of Romney's gay foreign policy aide Richard Grenell. Evidently, Romney received some degree of public outcry from the far right and social conservatives about having a gay member of his staff.  This has to be the surprise of the century, right?  I can't help feeling frustrated about this story.  Of course, the Romney camp is saying/will say that it wasn't because he was gay, but we all know the real story.  It's a shame that fiscal conservatives have to subject themselves to the morals of a Christian-infiltrated political party.  But that's the way it goes I guess.  The Republican party's biggest problem, and the reason more people don't join their ranks is because they are stuck in the social dark ages.  But I guess they'd lose a lot of people if they distanced themselves from that too, wouldn't they?  So I don't know the solution.

Also, it is crazy and hard to believe that the US ranks so poorly in the world in terms of premature baby births.  This is something I cannot understand.  It's good that the information is out there, though.  At least we can move toward fixing the problem.

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