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Friday, May 4, 2012

New York Times Reading Log - 19 (Wednesday's Paper)

The article in today's New York Times about conservative news mogul Rupert Murdoch's sticky situation was a particular article of interest.  The fact that Murdoch has been found to be "not a fit person" to run a huge international news company is very justified.  If the allegations of the hacking scandal are true, then it stands to the most basic, fundamental level of logic and journalistic ethical understanding that he should be disallowed to run a news organization.  It would be interesting to see how other news publications placed this story.  The liberal New York Times is pleased to plaster Murdoch's sorry story above the fold on the front page.  I wonder where more conservative papers ran the story, or where Fox News ran the story on their broadcasts.

Additionally, in a related story the Times printed a scathing article about the editor of the Daily News, Colin Myler.  "Colin Myler has always shown a thirst for the eye-poppoing story and a willingness to take the heat to run something that will sell, sell, sell," write N.R Kleinfield and Jeremy W. Peters.  It's cool to see the Times flex their journalism muscles and crap all over the editor of a tabloid like this.  It just goes to show that the Times really is somewhat untouchable in the news world.     

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