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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

New York Times Reading Log - 7

A slow news day for the Times?  The A section only had 20 pages today.  Usually by Wednesday they're up to 24 or 26.  Am I crazy for noticing this? Maybe I should just stop trying to figure out a pattern in the way the Times prints their issues. 

I found the front page story about Mitt Romney sweeping the election in Illinois to be interesting, if not a little distressing.  It looks as though Mitt Romney is really picking up steam now.  After getting key victories in Ohio (by the slimmest of all margins) and Michigan, dominating Illinois seems to solidify him as the definite front-runner in my mind.

The article says that Romney's campaign has stressed that he is the best candidate to beat Barrack Obama in the Presidential Election.  I think I will have to agree with Romney, which is exactly why I wish he'd lose the primaries, and send Rick Santorum (whose hyper-conservative ideals make him somebody no social liberal would ever dream of voting for) to the chopping block against Obama. Romney poses a real threat to Obama in my mind.

What concerns me the most about a Republican candidate posing a threat to Obama's presidency is the current turmoil with Iran.  Obama, in my opinion is handling the situation with grace and tact by trying to put diplomacy before military action.  If a military and defense oriented Republican like Romney is to be our next president, it is my sincere fear that we will become involved in a war with Iran.

Republican President + Possible Nuclear threat in the Middle East = War

Sound familiar? 

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