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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New York Times Reading Log - 6

From a simple formatting perspective, it was interesting to see the larger font size and all capital lettering given to the "Wins in 2 Contests Help Romney Add to Delegate Lead" headline in today's New York Times.  Since I have started reading the Times, this is the largest headline I have seen, and I found it funny that it was warranted for a Super Tuesday that, despite adding to Romney's delegate lead, did not show decisively that Romney is now the definite front runner or winner.  

Newt Gingrich got an easy victory in Georgia, winning 76 delegates, and Rick Santorum won a pair of states, Oklahoma and Tennessee.  Notably, no candidate showed a clear enough majority in the prized state of Ohio.  

In a Primary Election that has been so very divisive and non-committal for the Republican party, it is clear the the media is scrounging for anything close to definitive.  When I first saw the emphatic headline, I thought that Romney had won the Primary, just as a first impression based on the size of the text.  When I read on, and learned that the news was much less decisive than that, I was perplexed.  I guess everyone has slow news days, even the immortal Times.

I also enjoyed the article by Abby Goodnough that was based in Leominster, Massachusetts.  It was humorous to see how underwhelmed many Republicans and Independents have been with Romney's performance in their own state.  What is perhaps more telling, is that many still voted for him.  American politics has indeed become a "best of 2 evils" game. 

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